Danube valley between Tuttlingen and Sigmaringen

Between Tuttlingen and Sigmaringen, there is one of the most beautiful sections of the upper Danube valley. Formerly the Wurttemberg "C" (Series 18.1) ran along this valley. Up to the beginning of the 1970s, this line was a last operational area for the express steam engines of the series 03.
Neumühle in the upper Danube valley
Near Neumühle, the railway line, the country road and the river Dunabe are lying directly side by side. Because the track level is somewhat higher than the road level, the passing of the trains gets very effective at this location.
H.-M. Hebsaker
Danube valley line near Neumühle
All photos: © Hans-Martin Hebsaker
Danube valley near Inzigkofen
H.-M. Hebsaker
Danube valley near Inzigkofen
H.-M. Hebsaker
The last 2 scenarios are not correct in that manner, that, in reality, the railway line is hidden by the trees and bushes at the bottom of the valley.

But this scenario with such strange rocks was so fascinating for me, that I really had to bring forward the railway line for generatimg new BAHNLAND scenarios.